Sunday, October 3, 2010

Back Home

Rosa Dortmund growing on my back fence.

(This post was written on August 30th.  I had forgotten to publish it until yesterday.)

We are back home.  We arrived late Saturday night.  Without a house key.  Had to go and wake up a friend and her entire family to get our spare key.  Great.

I woke up very early the next morning and didn't even recognize my own bedroom.  It took me a minute to figure out where I was in the world.  "Oh, yeah.  I'm in Brackendale."  Great.

I spent the next day doing mounds of laundry, sorting through a stack of unpaid bills, scooping poop out of the cats' litter boxes, and generally feeling sorry for myself.  Great.


Even though I didn't miss them AT ALL while I was gone, it has been nice to see Fud and Pud (aka Spirit and Daisy).  I actually think they missed us!  The two felines have spent the past few days purring non-stop, curling up on our laps, and sleeping on top of us in bed.  GREAT!

Molly is continuing on with the Sotham World Tour and has already been to Venice, Italy; Ljubljana, Slovenia; and Zagreb, Croatia.  Not bad seeing as we only dropped her off at the Rome train station a mere 6 days ago.  She is now on her way to Strasbourg, France to meet up with her dear German friend from high school.  GREAT!

Now I'm preparing myself mentally and physically to begin another school year.  Wish me luck!

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