Wednesday, August 10, 2011

French Women and Smoking

One thing that really upsets me in this country is the number of smokers there are. Honestly, so many people have cigarettes dangling from their mouths or their fingers. I see these absolutely drop-dead, gorgeous, fashionable women on the streets and they are all smoking!

The medical experts in France fear that tobacco related cancers will be the #1 killer of French women within the decade.

In 1950, 66% of French men smoked. That percentage has dropped to 33%. Women are catching up to men and their smoking rate is rising.

The reason so many women smoke? To keep their weight down. French women have been quoted saying, "I'd rather be dead than fat."

Go figure.


  1. This morning I saw a woman at the beach with a cigarette in her mouth, as she used her two hands to slather on sunscreen. Ironic. I see young mothers and fathers, smoking on the beach and craddling their little children while doing so. In France, people would smoke at the beach, then but out their cigarette and dig a little hole in the sand to deposit it in. Like it might magically disappear. The good news is, that George´s Spanish friends all say their parents smoke but they think it is disgusting. Perhaps the tide is changing.

