Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada, Espana, and Italia

With yesterday being Canada's birthday and the final UEFA soccer match between Italy and Spain, I suggested to Joe that we combine the two events and head down to Vancouver's 'Little Italy' to watch the game.

I also suggested to Joe that he wear the Spanish team jersey that he bought in Barcelona a couple of years ago when we witnessed Spain win the World Cup.  He wasn't so sure about that.  "How will I feel to be the lone person wearing a red shirt being surrounded by a sea of blue Italian jerseys?" he wondered.  "You won't be the only person," I said.  "Take a risk."

He wore it.

It was a good thing we showed up early.  We got to Fets Sports Bar on Commercial Drive at 9:30am and were 21st in line.  And the game didn't even start for another 2 and a half hours!

As we were waiting in line, a friend from my book club walked down the sidewalk.  And SHE was all decked out in her Team Spain garb.

Ever the lover of free food and beer, Molly joined us at the last minute for breakfast and lagers.

The festivities were kicked off when the proprietor jumped onto a chair and led us in a rousing rendition of O Canada.

The bar was full minutes after the doors opened, so these sports fans watched the game from the sidewalk.  So glad we came early.

Much to the chagrin of the blue jersey soccer fans, Spain ran circles around Italy for 90 minutes.  The final score was 4-0.  Unheard of at this high level of play.

And the happiest guy in the bar?  That would be Joe.  Proudly wearing his red Spanish jersey.

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